
07 July 2006

What's other say

We communicate with others everyday. We talk, we chat, we write, and we use all sort of ways to communicate with others. However, during the conversation, no matter what the communication method we use, we tend to be sensitive to what people think about us. A word or probably a body movement will cause us feel sad the whole day.

When others do not willing to help us, we feel that they look down on us.
When others raise their voice when talking to us, we feel that they do not respect us.
When others laugh at our weaknesses, we feel insulted.

There are many more cases happened daily.

Why do we feel that? Why our mood turn sore by that tiny little 'communication'?. What shall we do?


  1. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Hi Frankie,

    People have theor own opinion and views about everything, just as you and I. To grant them that freedom to say what they want is setting yourself free. To react negatively to their view is letting yourself being drawn into their control. It is human nature to feel offended by an act by someone about you. But think about it, aren't you as supreme a human as they are? Let the negative reaction go and continue being the person you are and you will be OK :)

  2. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Hi Frankie,

    People have theor own opinion and views about everything, just as you and I. To grant them that freedom to say what they want is setting yourself free. To react negatively to their view is letting yourself being drawn into their control. It is human nature to feel offended by an act by someone about you. But think about it, aren't you as supreme a human as they are? Let the negative reaction go and continue being the person you are and you will be OK :)

  3. Thanks Shanta, but sometime we just feel very hard to control ourself. Even we keep on telling ourselve that dont control by other...but somehow we all understood that there is a wound at the bottom of our heart. Anyway, I believe I can be like you one day...:)

  4. Anonymous11:15 AM

    That's a good view-point Frankie :)

  5. Anonymous11:15 AM

    That's a good view-point Frankie :)

  6. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Dear Frankie,

    Sometime we will ask ourselves that do we really care what people say or react about us. What Sandra said is true that everyone does have his/her rights to say or react. To me is how do we accept of those says or reactions (body language). Please remember that we do have a choice to choose to accept, to reject, to ignore, to consider, to believe, to feel demoted, worst is feeling depress OR you can turn those so call negative comments become a motivation tools to boost your day.

    Do you realize that human now tend to turn themselves to negative thinking which I personally am trying to learn not to do so. For example, when you receive a phone call from someone once hurt you extremely much. What was the first thing appearing in your mind? (Ask yourself) The truth is we will straight turn to the bad memories then what you had gone through to heal the wound, right? Ok another case, one day you were having a cup of tea in your office pantry and suddenly you saw your boss’s secretary was in her sexy outfit which she will never be seen wearing thus she and your boss start to be quite close in term of relationship, what your brain telling you at that time? You tell me then.... The reality is we subconsciously will automatically put or driven ourselves to all the negative areas BUT when someone talk to you with some opinions that strike your brain then only you start to realize of what you were thinking are all crap. Basically tell you the truth is what I mean.

    Ok, what I am trying to say here is we should sharpen our judgment skills. Remember there was a saying “Don’t judge the book by its cover”? Before you start to judge, please refer back to what you’ve done or said that makes the other person react or give the negative wording which makes you feel offended. Everything happening around us starts from us actually. Not all the good men get good rewards/returns and not every bad man gets the right punishment.

    Well, I hope I am not out of the subject but if so, I am sorry. Is just my humble thought, hehehehehe………. .


  7. wow...thanks for sharing your thought Marine. It is really make my day count. I think it is all about practice. If we practise more, we can just respone to any of the reactions or says imediatelyand nicely, instead of showing an angry face to other. Hahaha...thanks again.

  8. 哇,你们的英文有看没懂

  9. Sorry I will put a chinese post this weekend...

  10. Anonymous11:55 AM

    i agree with those what he mentioned above, but i feel that sometimes, we have to face it, but sometimes we also can counter it or prevent it from happen.....i don't know what to say but i just simply feel like a dumb....zzzzzzzz....thanks for thos comments

  11. thanks for the comment elvin, mind to give an example on how to prevent it? thanks.

  12. thanks for your comment, of course I wont blame you. May be we should learn to be not so sensitive.

  13. Anonymous5:18 PM

    i just think that we should not be too sensitive!if we are too focused on ppl actions which are not very significant we would b left with no frens...unless its something big its better off looked pass to avoid feeling bad n build hatred!=)

  14. yes Ken, you are right. Agreed.
